Roche Combur-9 Urine test strips 50 pieces
The Roche Combur 9 test is the most commonly used strip for rapid analysis of urine for pathological abnormalities. The Combur urine strips from Roche are known for their high reliability. Even the most minor pathological abnormalities or changes become visible via a color change on the strip. The strips can be stored at room temperature (at least one year) and the result can be read after 1 to 2 minutes.
What can you test with the Combur 9 test strips?
1. Protein
2. Glucose
3. Ketones
4. Nitrite
5. Leukocytes
6. pH
7. Blood
8. Bilirubin
9. Urobilinogen
Advantages of Combur 9 urine test strips
The Combur 9 strips can be visually assessed quickly and easily thanks to the clear and bright color scale. They can be stored at room temperature. The result can already be read after 1 to 2 minutes. The Combur 9 urine strips are provided with a protection (no “runover” effect) and are not sensitive to high concentrations of ascorbic acid (vitamin C).
- Reliable Diagnosis - Even the smallest pathological changes in the urine cause a marked change in the test field. This makes urinalysis with Combur test strips in the clinic or practice the first step towards a reliable diagnosis.
- High sensitivity - Thanks to the low detection limit of the Combur test strips, even the smallest pathological changes in the urine are made visible.
- Resistant to ascorbic acid - Combur test strips are protected by iodate against interference with ascorbic acid, both for glucose and for hemoglobin determination, which virtually excludes false negative results.
- Clear and reliable test results - The Combur test strips are constructed in such a way that overflow into an adjacent test field is avoided and an equal, unambiguous color change is achieved.
- Economic - Combur test strips can be stored at room temperature. The desiccant integrated in the cap prevents the degeneration of the precious reagents.
- Maximum reading comfort - Combur test strips can be clearly read on all test fields in 1 to 2 minutes. Thanks to the long handle, the hands also stay clean.